Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Michel Bauwens

"— Creation of commons infrastructures for both immaterial and material goods; society is seen as a series of interlocking commons, that are supported by an ethical market economy and a Partner State that protects the common good and creates supportive civic infrastructures." (Bauwens)

You have got to get people to want living in an alien kind of economic social organization. But, first you must deliver the structure of the mutual community bank, and its autonomous, noncoercive, interest free money useful for self-capitalizing its internal, production based economy.

You need face-to-face accountability. This internet introduces concepts, but is not real community. In real community, economic mutualism (the vital sectors of the local economy) is self-managed by its people. I cannot elaborate the content here. See my book's pdf:


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This is the correct link

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